St. Louis Stealing Attorney
Have You Been Arrested For Stealing?
Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney that takes your Future as Seriously as YOU do — W. Scott Rose is here to give your case the Undivided Attention it Deserves.
If you are facing theft charges in Missouri, your future is on the line. With charges ranging from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies, those convicted can face significant jail or prison time, expensive fines, and a lifelong criminal record. Don’t take any chances. Contact a St. Louis stealing attorney immediately to begin working on your defense. We understand that GOOD people make mistakes. Our team has extensive experience handling various criminal defense cases, including assault, weapon crimes, and property crimes. Rose Legal Services can help minimize your charges and get you the best possible results for your case — Take legal action today.
Types of Stealing Charges
In Missouri, stealing offenses range from a Class D Misdemeanor to a Class B Felony, depending on the circumstance. Receiving stolen property is also considered stealing under Missouri law. Regardless of the type of charges you are facing, it is always in your best interest to hire an experienced stealing attorney. We understand the many nuances involved in criminal defense cases and can give you a fighting chance in court.
Stealing in St. Louis
When a person takes property or services from another person without their consent or by use of coercion, it is a theft crime. Under Missouri law, receiving stolen property is also considered stealing. In a case of receiving stolen property, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, to deprive the owner of a lawful interest therein, received, retained, or disposed of property of another knowing that it had been stolen or believing that it had been stolen. Stealing cases become more serious when the property’s value is more than $750 or more than $25,000 or consists of a credit or debit card, a firearm, or a controlled substance. Without any special circumstances, stealing is considered a Class D Misdemeanor, punishable by fines of up to $500.
Stealing $150 or More or a Subsequent Offense
To convict you of this offense, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant:
- Appropriated $150 or more in property or services, or
- Has been previously found guilty of a stealing-related offense.
Stealing $150 or more or a subsequent offense is considered a Class A Misdemeanor. A Class A Misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in county jail and fines of up to $2,000.
Stealing $750 or More
To convict you of this theft charge, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant:
- Appropriated $750 or more in property or services.
Stealing $750 or more is considered a Class D Felony. Class D felony charges are punishable by up to seven years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.
Stealing $25,000 or More
To convict you of this theft charge, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant:
- Appropriated $25,000 or more in property or services.
Stealing $750 or more is considered a Class C Felony. A Class C Felony is punishable by a minimum of three to a maximum of ten years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.
Stealing Special Property
Stealing certain special property could result in the stealing charges being elevated to a Class D felony.
Some of the most common include:
- Motor vehicle
- Credit or debit card
- Firearm
- Livestock
- Controlled substance
- Methamphetamine precursor
It is also essential to understand that stealing any animal will result in a Class E felony. Additionally, suppose a person has three prior stealing offenses within ten years. In that case, the fourth stealing offense is a Class E Felony regardless of the property’s value—even shoplifting a pack of gum could result in felony theft.
What to Do After Being Charged With Stealing in St.Louis
- During your arrest, remain calm and cooperate with the authorities to avoid escalating the situation
- You have the right to remain silent. During an officer’s questioning, you may invoke the fifth amendment. You do not have to say anything further or sign anything until you can have an experienced stealing attorney representing you
- As soon as it is possible, contact Rose Legal Services. We will thoroughly inspect your case and prepare an effective defense. You can get started with a free consultation.
Find the Best St. Louis Stealing Attorney for Your Case
Look for an attorney that takes your future as seriously as YOU DO. Experienced in various criminal defense cases, including assault, property damage, and weapons charges — Rose Legal Services will work hard to get you the best possible results. Let’s start your case with a free consultation. We’ll take the time to thoroughly review and inspect your case and create a STRONG defense.
If you’ve been wrongfully accused or made a mistake, take legal action today. Rose Legal Services exclusively defends clients against criminal charges in St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and surrounding areas. With nearly 20 years of experience, rest assured we will work tirelessly and aggressively to defend you in a court of law.
- Immediate & Effective Representation
- Flat Fee Criminal Law Firm
- Take Legal Action TODAY
- All Cases Begin With A FREE Consultation
You must retain a St. Louis stealing attorney as soon as possible to help protect your freedom. Whether this is a first-time offense or you’ve been charged before, we can help you get the best possible results in your stealing case—start building your defense today with a free consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any form of stealing from anyone or anything is considered a theft crime. When someone appropriates property or services from another person without their consent, it’s called stealing. A burglary involves unlawfully entering or remaining unlawfully in a building. When any victims or weapons are involved in the crime, it is referred to as a robbery.
It is very typical to be charged with more than one stealing crime. If you were to rob a convenience store and then steal a car, you could face multiple charges. The penalties, of course, become increasingly more severe with each charge.
Experienced theft lawyers will get to work immediately to protect your rights and build a strong defense. They will examine your case’s facts and search for details that could have been missed to help prove your innocence while providing you with quality legal representation throughout your proceedings and trial.