A drug possession felony conviction on your criminal record can negatively impact several facets of your life. One mistake, one lapse of judgment, can create a lifetime of hurdles.
Criminal records are like a stain on your life. Even if you regret your crime and have served your sentence. You’re a changed person now, but others, such as a future employer, might only view you for your past mistakes.
With an expungement, you can erase your felony drug possession conviction from your records, allowing you to start over.
In the simplest terms, expungement is the process of erasing something. In legal terms, you’re erasing a criminal conviction from your record. If the expungement process is done correctly, your criminal record will be clean, which means your previous felony convictions won’t hold you back in life.
The expungement process can be complicated, so you need a reliable St. Louis expungement attorney. At Rose Legal Services, we can help you delete your drug possession felony conviction. Contact our law firm to get started wiping your criminal history clean and moving forward with your life.
Changes in Missouri Expungement Laws
Before 2018, you could not expunge a felony drug possession conviction in St. Louis.
However, this changed when the Missouri General Assembly passed Senate Bill 588, effectively expanding the list of crimes that could be expunged in Missouri.
Now, the law allows felony drug possession convictions to be expunged under certain conditions.
To be eligible for expungement, you must have served your sentence and been out of prison or off probation for seven years. You also cannot be convicted of another crime to be eligible during this time.
Many people don’t know that criminal convictions of drug possession can be expunged even if they are felonies. Therefore, it’s essential to know that, as of 2018, you may be able to expunge your drug possession conviction in Missouri.
Schedule a consultation with an expungement attorney at Rose Legal Services today to discuss your options.
How to Expunge Your Felony Drug Possession Conviction
If you qualify for expungement, you must first file a petition for expungement. You must file your petition in the same circuit court where your arrest was facilitated. There is a $250 surcharge once you file your petition.
After the petition is filed, those who know of your criminal record will be notified of your expungement hearing. They have 30 days to respond to your petition. Therefore, your hearing will be scheduled at least 30 days from filing to allow people to take the necessary steps to respond to this notice.
Finally, you will attend your expungement hearing for your drug possession conviction. The circuit judge then decides whether or not to expunge your criminal record.
Depending on the judge’s verdict, your drug possession felony may be erased from your record.
It’s best practice to hire an expungement attorney. They will advise you through this process and help you achieve your desired outcome so that your drug possession conviction can be expunged.
Is Your Conviction Ineligible for Expungement?
While the 2018 expungement legislation increased the list of convictions that can be expunged, some criteria make you ineligible for expungement.
The following situations will make you ineligible:
- If your conviction is a Class A felony offense
- If you are a registered sex offender
- If you have domestic violence or domestic assault charges
- If you have DWI/DUI offenses on your record
Consult with an expungement lawyer to determine if you’re eligible for expungement.
Benefits of Expunging Your Felony Drug Possession Conviction
Having a criminal record can make certain aspects of life difficult, so getting your drug possession conviction expunged is beneficial.
Consider these advantages of expungement.
Doing a background check is a common way for employers to learn about candidates, and they may decide to reject you if you have a criminal record.
You can expunge your drug possession felony so that your criminal record doesn’t show previous convictions.
Child Custody
If you have a criminal record, you might lose rights over the custody of your children. Expunging your record can help you avoid this.
Colleges and universities often check your criminal record when reviewing your application. You can increase your chances of getting accepted if you have a clean criminal record.
If you’re planning on renting or leasing, a landlord may be able to deny you for having a criminal record. You can go through the expungement process to help you find suitable housing.
While there are several benefits of expungement, you might seek expungement for your conscience. Maybe you made a mistake, and you want to fix your past. Rose Legal Services can help you do just that.
Contact a St. Louis Expungement Lawyer Today
Now that you can expunge your felony drug possession conviction in Missouri, you are steps away from having a clean record.
Call a St. Louis expungement attorney and schedule your free consultation today.