In the aftermath of a DWI conviction, you may have a lot of questions about what happens next. One of the most pressing questions for many facing a DWI conviction is how it will impact their return to daily life.
The revocation of driving privileges can cause major disruptions to one’s life. The inability to drive to and from work, participate in social events, and fulfill household duties by running errands can take a serious toll.
One way to get back to day-to-day life and resume some normalcy as quickly as possible is by using an ignition interlock device (IID).
While these devices do provide some degree of freedom, many people facing a DWI conviction are interested in ignition interlock removal and want to know how they can fully return to driving without restrictions.
Here you’ll learn more about ignition interlock usage, removal in Missouri, and how to get help.
Who Has to Use an Interlock Ignition Device in Missouri?
An Interlock Ignition Device (IID) is a technology that can be installed on motor vehicles to ensure that the person operating the vehicle is not under the influence of alcohol.
The device fits in the driver’s hand and connects to the vehicle’s dash. It is operated by blowing into the device to take a deep lung sample to analyze blood alcohol content before the vehicle is operational.
Here are some key points about IID installation and use in Missouri:
- Individuals convicted of DWI in Missouri may be eligible for Restricted Driving Privileges or Limited Driving Privileges. In both cases, the installation of an IID may be required to drive legally.
- First-time alcohol offenders are eligible for an immediate 90-day Restricted Driving Privilege, which requires the installation of an IID to alleviate the disruption of daily activities.
- Second or subsequent offenders may be eligible for a Limited Driving Privilege, also called a “hardship license,” typically dependent upon installing an IID.
Those installing an IID as part of a court order must use one of the manufacturers listed on the Missouri Department of Transportation webpage.
If an individual’s driving privilege is under a 5- or 10-year denial period, the IID must be accompanied by GPS and camera technology installation. Those not under a 5- or 10-year denial do not typically have to install GPS and camera technology, but in some instances, the details of their court order may require them.
Individuals must comply with all requirements related to the installation and use of an IID in Missouri. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences, including license suspension or revocation, penalties for driving without a required IID, and other ramifications.
5 Things to Know About Getting Your Ignition Interlock Device Removed
#1. You Must Complete the Ignition Interlock Period
Missouri law requires you to complete the full ignition interlock period before removing the device. The court determines the length of the interlock period based on the specifics of your case.
During the interlock period, you must blow into the device and pass the breathalyzer test to start the vehicle. Attempting to tamper with or bypass the interlock device is a serious offense and can result in legal consequences, including license suspension or revocation.
#2. You Have to Pay All Fines and Fees
Before removing the IID, you must pay all fines and fees associated with your DUI conviction. This includes any court costs, fines, and fees related to the installation and maintenance of the IID.
Failure to pay fines and fees can result in additional legal consequences. You need to keep track of all fines and fees associated with your case and make timely payments to avoid any further legal issues.
#3. You Must Finish All Education and Treatment Programs
You must complete all education and treatment programs related to your DUI conviction before you’re eligible for interlock device removal. These programs can include alcohol education classes, substance abuse treatment, or other court-ordered programs.
Failure to complete these programs can result in extended IID requirements or other legal consequences. You must comply with all court-ordered programs and complete them promptly to avoid further legal issues.
#4. You Should Double-check That You’re Eligible
When it is time to remove your IID, it is very important that you first check with the Missouri Department of Revenue to ensure that you are, indeed, eligible for device removal. Early removal can result in an extension of limitations and the re-suspension of driving privileges.
The manufacturer is also required to report any violations to the Department of Revenue, and these reports may extend the time period before which ignition interlock removal is allowed.
#5. You Can’t Remove the Device Yourself
You must not attempt ignition interlock removal on your own. Attempting to do so can result in legal consequences and potential damage to the motor vehicle. An authorized ignition interlock provider must perform the removal of the IID.
They will ensure the device is properly uninstalled and provide any necessary device removal paperwork. Additionally, you must not tamper with the IID or attempt to bypass it in any way. Those driving on a Restricted or Limited Driving Privilege face the termination of these privileges if the IID is tampered with or removed prematurely.
Questions About Your Driving Privileges? Call Rose Legal Services
When facing a DWI charge, it can be overwhelming to sift through all the details of the impacts and next steps. Keeping track of your responsibilities, options, and requirements while navigating the consequences of the DWI can be difficult.
If you have questions about your DWI conviction or having an ignition interlock device installed or removed, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Rose Legal Services.
Call today for a consultation.